1. 写作题目分析
2. 写作评分标准
- 内容完整性:文章是不是围绕题目展开是不是涵了所有要点。
- 语言准确性:词汇和语法是否正确是否合英语表达惯。
- 逻辑性:文章结构是否清晰,论点是否合理,论据是否充分。
- 语法正确性:句子结构是否正确时态、语态等语法现象是否恰当。
3. 写作技巧解析
- 开头技巧:文章开头要简洁明了,直接引入主题,可以采用部分常用的开头句型,如:“As we all know, ...”、“With the development of ..., ...”等。
- 主体落技巧:每个落都要有一个明确的主题句,然后通过论据和细节实支撑。留意利用过渡词汇,如:“Furthermore”、“However”、“In addition”等,使文章更加连贯。
- 结尾技巧:文章结尾要总结全文,强调本人的观点,可采用若干常用的结尾句型,如:“In conclusion, ...”、“To sum up, ...”等。
1. 社会热点类
As we all know, shared bicycles have become increasingly popular in cities in recent years. I believe this phenomenon has both positive and negative aspects.
On the one hand, shared bicycles provide a convenient and environmentally friendly means of transportation. They help reduce r pollution and traffic congestion. Additionally, they encourage people to exercise and lead a healthier lifestyle.
On the other hand, shared bicycles also bring some problems. For instance, some users fl to return the bicycles properly, leading to a shortage of vehicles. Moreover, the随意 placement of bicycles can cause inconvenience to pedestrians and other road users.
In conclusion, while shared bicycles have brought many benefits to society, it is essential to address the existing problems to ensure their sustnable development.
2. 文化差异类
Cultural differences between the East and the West have a significant impact on interpersonal communication. These differences can be attributed to various factors, such as language, customs, and values.
In terms of language, the directness of Westerners may sometimes be perceived as impolite by Easterners, who tend to be more indirect in their communication. Additionally, customs and traditions vary greatly between cultures, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
Moreover, values play a crucial role in shaping people's behavior. In the East, collectivism is highly valued, while individualism is more prominent in the West. This difference in values can affect the way people interact with each other.
In conclusion, cultural differences undoubtedly have an impact on interpersonal communication. To bridge these gaps, it is important to develop cross-cultural awareness and understanding.
3. 教育疑惑类
Online education has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional education in recent years. Its impact on traditional education can be both positive and negative.
On the positive side, online education provides students with greater flexibility and accessibility. They can learn at their own pace and access a wide range of resources from anywhere in the world. Additionally, online education can reduce costs and save time for both students and teachers.
However, online education also has its drawbacks. The lack of face-to-face interaction can affect students' motivation and engagement. Moreover, the quality of online education may vary, and it may not be suitable for all subjects or students.
In conclusion, while online education has brought significant changes to traditional education, it is important to strike a balance between the two roaches to ensure the best learning outcomes for students.