
- 英语表达:Hold the ball with your shooting hand, fingers spread wide and the ball resting on your fingertips.
- 中文解释:用投篮手握住球,手指张开,球放在指尖上。
- 英语表达:Place your non-shooting hand on the side of the ball for stability, but remove it just before you release the shot.
- 中文解释:非投篮手放在球的一侧以保持稳定,但在释放球时将其移开。
- 英语表达:Follow through by sning your wrist forward as you release the ball, which helps to create backspin.
- 中文解释:释放球时向前甩动手腕,这样有助于产生后旋。
- 英语表达:Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your dominant foot slightly ahead.
- 中文解释:双脚与肩同宽站立,主力脚略微靠前。
- 英语表达:Keep your knees bent and your weight evenly distributed on both feet.
- 中文解释:膝盖微弯,体重均匀分布在两脚上。
- 英语表达:Focus your eyes on the front rim of the basket, ming at the back of the rim.
- 中文解释:眼睛聚焦于篮筐前缘,瞄准篮筐后方。
- 英语表达:Start the motion by pushing off the floor with your legs, transferring power from your lower body to your upper body.
- 中文解释:从腿部发力开始,将力量从下身传递到上身。
- 英语表达:Rotate your torso and follow through with your arms, using your core muscles for stability.
- 中文解释:旋转躯干,用胳膊完成动作利用核心肌肉保持稳定。
- 英语表达:Snap your wrist forward as you release the ball, ensuring a smooth and consistent release.
- 中文解释:释放球时向前甩动手腕,保障动作流畅且一致。
- 英语表达:Practice the shot repeatedly until it becomes second nature.
- 中文解释:反复练习投篮直到它成为一种本能反应。
- 英语表达:Record yourself practicing and review the footage to identify areas for improvement.
- 中文解释:录制自身练习的过程,并回顾录像找出可以改进的地方。
- 英语表达:Seek feedback from coaches or experienced players who can provide valuable insights.
- 中文解释:向教练或有经验的球员寻求反馈,他们可提供宝贵的建议。