
1. Artificial 和 Man-made
- Artificial 是“人工的”、“人造的”最常用的表达形式。它广泛应用于描述各种非自然产生的事物,如“人工智能”(Artificial Intelligence)。
- Man-made 也有类似的含义,但采用频率相对较低。例如:“Man-made intelligence”(人造智能)。
2. Artificial Intelligence ()
- 是人工智能的缩写是当今科技领域的热门话题之一。例如:“The development of Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the way we work and live.”(人工智能的发展已经改变了咱们的工作和生活方法。)
- Artificial 不仅可以用来形容具体事物,还可以用于抽象的概念。例如:“Artificial intelligence algorithms can process vast amounts of data more efficiently than human beings.”(人工智能算法能够比人类更高效地解决大量数据。)
- Man-made 同样适用于描述人造环境或产品。例如:“Man-made lakes have been created to provide water for irrigation in arid regions.”(人造湖泊被创建出来以提供灌溉用水,特别是在干旱地区。)
- Create 和 Develop
- 在描述的发展期间常用到的动词有“create”(创造)和“develop”(开发)。例如:“Scientists create new algorithms to improve machine learning capabilities.”(科学家们创造了新的算法来改进机器学习能力。)
- “Develop” 表示逐步发展和完善的过程。例如:“Over the past decade, has developed rapidly and become an integral part of many industries.”(在过去十年里,人工智能迅速发展并成为许多行业不可或缺的一部分。)
- 在引言部分,简要介绍人工智能的基本概念及其要紧性。例如:“Artificial Intelligence () is a rapidly growing field that is transforming various industries, from healthcare to finance.”(人工智能是一个快速发展的领域,正在从医疗保健到金融等多个行业中发挥着变革作用。)
- 主体段落应围绕一个中心论点展开,并提供充分的证据支持。例如:“One major advantage of is its ability to analyze large datasets with high accuracy, which can lead to better decision-making processes in businesses.”(人工智能的一大优势在于其能够高精度地分析大量数据,从而帮助企业做出更好的决策。)
- 结论段落应总结全文的主要观点,并提出未来展望。例如:“In conclusion, while presents numerous opportunities, it also poses significant challenges that need to be addressed to ensure its ethical use.”(虽然人工智能带来了诸多机遇但也存在若干重大挑战,需要应对以确信其伦理采用。)
- 利用适当的连接词可使文章更加连贯。例如:
- Firstly(首先)
- Moreover(还有)
- Furthermore(而且)
- However(然而)
- In contrast(相比之下)
- On the other hand(另一方面)
- 尽量保持句子简洁明了,避免利用过多从句或复杂的句式。例如,将“Although there are some concerns about the potential misuse of artificial intelligence, it is clear that it has the potential to bring about significant positive changes in society if used ethically and responsibly.”简化为:“While rses concerns about misuse, its ethical use can bring significant positive changes to society.”(尽管人工智能存在滥用的担忧,但倘使伦理利用,它能够给社会带来显著的积极变化。)
- “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Industry”
- (人工智能对医疗行业的作用)
- This paper explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence () on the healthcare industry. It discusses how technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing are being used to improve patient outcomes, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance overall efficiency.
- (本文探讨了人工智能对医疗行业的影响。文章讨论了诸如机器学习和自然语言应对等技术怎样去被用来改善患者预后、简化行政任务并提升整体效率。)
- “How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Financial Sector”
- (人工智能怎样改变金融行业)
- In recent years, the financial sector has seen a significant transformation due to the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (). From automated trading systems to fraud detection algorithms, technologies are helping financial institutions make smarter decisions and reduce operational costs. However, there are also concerns about the ethical implications of using in finance, such as data privacy and algorithmic bias.
- (近年来由于人工智能()的采用,金融行业经历了重大转型。从自动交易系统到欺诈检测算法,技术正帮助金融机构做出更明智的决策并减少运营成本。也有关于在金融中利用的伦理影响的担忧,如数据隐私和算法偏见。)
- “Experts Warn About the Risks of Artificial Intelligence in Employment”
- (专家警告就业中的人工智能风险)
- As Artificial Intelligence () continues to advance, experts are warning about the potential risks it poses to employment. While has the potential to automate repetitive tasks and increase productivity, it could also lead to job displacement and exacerbate income inequality. Policymakers must address these issues to ensure a fr transition to an -driven economy.
- (随着人工智能()的不断发展,专家们警告了它可能对就业带来的潜在风险。虽然有可能自动化重复性任务并加强生产力但它也可能造成工作岗位流失并加剧收入不平等。政策制定者必须解决这些疑惑,以保证公平过渡到人工智能驱动的经济。)