《No Place》Backstreet Boys后街男孩新歌歌词 试听
No Place - Backstreet Boys (后街男孩)
Lyrics by:Brett James/Joshua Miller/Troy Verges
Composed by:Brett James/Joshua Miller/Troy Verges
Ive been to Paris made my way down to Rome
Seen the sun setting on the beach in Mexico
But I could care less cause I was all alone
And there aint no way to touch your body over the phone
Ive been all around the world done all there is to do
But youll always be the home I wanna come home to
Youre a wild night with a hell of a view
There aint no place aint no place like you
There aint no place aint no place like you
Youre my daybreak youre my California sun
Youre my Memphis New York New Orleans all rolled into one
In the city the country the mountains or sea
Wherever you are baby thats where I wanna be
Ive been all around the world done all there is to do
But youll always be the home I wanna come home to
Youre a wild night with a hell of a view
There aint no place aint no place like you
There aint no place aint no place like you no
There aint no place
No place no place
Ooh yeah aint no place
Wherever you are baby thats where I wanna be
Ive been all around the world done all there is to do
But youll always be the home I wanna come home to
Youre a wild night with a hell of a view
There aint no place aint no place like you
There aint no place aint no place like you
Said there aint no place aint no place like you yeah
There aint no place
No place no place
No place
There aint no place like
No place like you
No place no place no place no place
There aint no place no place like you
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